If you understand why that argument is bad, then you understand the fundamental concept of logic: in logic we want to know when some information guarantees that something is true.
That concept is called deductive logical entailment, or just entailment for short.
Here’s the definition we’ll use a lot throughout this textbook:
A set of premises entails a conclusion just in case this condition is met:
Whenever the premises are true, then the conclusion is also true.
In other words: If those premises are true, the conclusion must be true.
Entailment: Whenever the premises are true, the conclusion is also true.
Previously we said that we will develop a model or tool, called a logical system, in order to study reasoning. Now we can see one of the key aspects of reasoning we want our tool to model: logical entailment. We want our logical system to show when some information does or doesn’t entail a conclusion.
You can test whether you really understand a concept by seeing if you can put it in slightly different words.
Select all the sentences below that express entailment.