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The Logic Course Adventure

Welcome to the interactive logic textbook!

Logic is a tool that helps us solve problems. Scientists use logic to figure out what theory their data supports. Mathematicians use logic to prove things like the Pythagorean theorem. Children use logic to solve Sudoku puzzles and win chess games.

You can’t learn logic without using it. That’s one reason why this textbook is interactive. You will learn about logic by applying it.

All of the problems in this book are for practice. They aren’t worth points, and if you get them wrong, you get to try again. (Problem sets for your homework are not done in the textbook; your instructor will tell you where to complete those.)

Look for key concepts in the call-out boxes.

Why retry problems? Because the harder you work, the more you will learn and the better you will do.

Let’s give it a try.

Some chapters are built around a theme. In Chapters 1-3 you are an investigative journalist working on a criminal case. The theme gives context to the material you are learning. Plus it makes learning more fun.

If you are logged in, there is a green “Mark Progress” button at the bottom of each section. They allow you to track your progress on the adventure.

If you ever get lost, you can use the table of contents on the left (or below, if you are using a smaller device). Now it’s time to learn some logic!

The world is full of problems. Let’s go solve some.

The Logic Course Adventure Textbook

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